Chapter Status
We are in the process of purchasing the Van Raam Chat bikes (trishaws) along with a trailer to transport them. We are also working with local resources on where to store the trailers and bikes. We are in need of volunteers to become trained as pilots. Our goal is to have the program up and running by late July or early August.
Cycling Without Age is a non-profit social enterprise started in 2012 by Ole Kassow in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ole wanted to help the elders in his community get back on their bicycles, but he had to find a solution to their limited mobility. The answer was a trishaw, and he started offering free bike rides to the local nursing home residents. CWA has now spread to all corners of Denmark and 52 countries around the world. There are 2,700 chapter locations and we are proud to be one!
As an affiliate chapter of CWA, Cycling Without Age New Richmond seeks to improve the lives of older adults and people with varying abilities in our community by providing safe and slow trishaw rides throughout our beautiful parks and less traveled roads at no cost.
Next Let’s Work – Volunteer
The backbone of this program is its network of trained volunteer pilots. At present, more than 35,000 trained pilots around the world ensure that older adults and those with varying abilities get out on the bikes to enjoy the fresh air and community around them. Once trained, our pilots will be able to give trishaw rides to interested passengers. Volunteer pilots reunite and connect people of all ages and abilities and are an example of what is possible when positive energy and generosity are combined.
Now Let’s Inspire – Implement
Can a trishaw ride help make the world a better place? Of course it can by promoting good health and well-being, a sense of connection, and the ability to get out and enjoy the community through sustainable travel. We dream of creating a world together, in which the access to active citizenship creates happiness among our older adult population and citizens with varying abilities. Cycling Without Age provides an opportunity for those individuals to remain an active part of society and the local community, experience the beauty of the New Richmond Area, enjoy nature close up from the trishaw, and tell stories in the environment where they have lived their lives.